Rucking vs Weighted Vest – Comparing The Two

Going for a walk can be fun since you’ll encounter interesting people and scenes. However, the fitness perks of walking may not be satisfying for many people. Some may be looking for something more so they can build muscles, lose weight, and look better than ever. Individuals who fit into the latter group should consider rucking or walking with a weighted vest.

These activities will take walking to a new level and allow them to achieve more. While the activities are similar, there are numerous differences. One might be more suitable for running or jogging. Learn more about the two in the guide below.

The Basics

Carrying a heavy rucksack and hiking is similar to hiking while wearing a weighted vest. The goal is to make the hike harder while helping the participant build muscle with each step. If you’re carrying a heavy rucksack, the weight is primarily going to be placed on your hips. As for a weighted vest, the weight will be evenly spread across your shoulders.

With a good rucking rucksack, you’ll be able to work your legs and low back while hiking. If you wear a weighted vest, you’re going to work your trapezius muscles and legs. You’ll find that both products are available in various weights. At the maximum, you can find them in 100-pound variations. A rucksack can carry more weight, although it is uncommon for people to carry so much weight at once.

Weighted vests tend to be more versatile since they’re better for running and lifting weights. A heavy rucksack is only going to be good for rucking and a few other exercises. Individuals aiming to save money should pick a low-weight vest. As the weight increases, the vest will be more expensive than a rucksack and weights in most cases.

Distribution Of The Weight

Whether you’re wearing a weighted vest or carrying a rucksack, you need to make sure that the weight is evenly distributed. Otherwise, you’re going to be uncomfortable and you’ll be more likely to get hurt. Ultimately, a weighted vest is going to be better in this category. Since the vest is worn like a shirt, it will distribute the weight evenly. A rucksack will not.

Instead, you’ll have to load the backpack correctly and wear it right to distribute the weight across your body. Choose a rucksack with a waist strap because it will make it easier to evenly distribute the weight.

Weighted vests tend to place the weight on the user’s shoulders. With a backpack, the weight is going to be on your back. A backpack can work just as well as a vest, although more effort is required to get the weight evenly distributed.

Targeted Muscles

When you pick one of these exercise aids, your primary goal is to make your exercise more difficult. Doing so will guarantee that you’re building your cardio and muscles more effectively. Nevertheless, the targeted muscle groups will depend on whether you pick a backpack or a vest. Both options are going to work well for building leg muscles, such as calves, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

If you’re hiking with a heavy rucksack, you’ll be forced to lean forward slightly to support the weight. This is going to be tough on your long back muscles and lower back muscles. These muscle groups will be built when wearing a heavy rucksack and hiking. A rucksack will work these muscles more effectively than a weighted vest.

While using a weight vest, it’ll be easier to walk upright and straight. Therefore, it isn’t going to work your back muscles as much. Instead, it’ll focus on your trapezius muscles.

Weight Limits

A significant difference is that weighted vests are limited in terms of weight capacity. Some of them are designed for specific weights. For instance, you might have a 20-pound weighted vest and it might be impossible to add more weight. Rucksacks are different because they can be customized by the user. You just need to open the rucksack and add more weight.

Typically, you can find weighted vests up to 100 pounds. Rucksacks can easily exceed 100 pounds, but you likely don’t want to carry more than 50 pounds anyway.

Which Is More Comfortable?

A weighted vest is going to be more comfortable from the beginning. You’ll wear it like you’d wear a shirt. Once you’ve put it on, the weight will be evenly distributed. A rucksack will be uncomfortable until you’ve adjusted it properly. Backpacks have various adjustments on the shoulders. You’ll have to load the weight correctly and adjust the straps to ensure that the rucksack can be worn comfortably.

You’ll also want to use the waist and chest straps. Regardless, your weighted vest will usually be more comfortable.


You may decide that you want to add weights to your other exercises. You can possibly wear a heavy rucksack when you’re doing pull-ups. You might even be able to wear the backpack when performing push-ups. However, there is a risk that the backpack is going to slide off your back. If you want maximum versatility, you should pick a weighted vest.

It is smaller and easier to keep in place so it is better for other exercises. You can wear a weighted vest when jumping rope, running, and performing tons of other exercises.


An important factor to consider when deciding between a rucksack and a weighted vest is price. A quality weighted vest costs between $40 and $91. The brand, weight, size, and construction determine the final cost of a weighted vest.

A quality rucksack costs between $50 and $160. Again, the brand, weight, construction, and size determine the final cost. A rucksack backpack can be slightly or significantly more expensive than a weighted vest.

Choosing between a weighted vest and a rucksack package is mainly about preference and budget.


If you enjoy hiking, you should consider buying a weighted vest or rucksack. Both can enhance your hike and help you achieve more. Since both are great, you should consider buying both. Then you can get the best of both worlds.

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