Rucking Tips For All Fitness Levels


With proper preparation and training, you can ruck for many miles. Along the way, you’ll build your cardio, strengthen your muscles, and explore your local nature trails. Although the activity can be fun, you cannot ignore its difficulty. If you do, you may find yourself in over your head. Instead, you should use the tips … Read more

Is Rucking Good For You? What To Know

places to go rucking

In recent years, rucking has become a common workout among people of all ages and skill levels. This exercise can indeed be good for many people, but there are some exceptions. Whether this exercise is right for you will depend on several factors, including your health, your age, and your strength. Nevertheless, even limited rucking … Read more

Best Apps For Rucking

rucking apps

Once you’ve decided to embrace the art of rucking, it is vital to find the proper environment. Typically, you should pick city centers with plenty of walkable streets. Otherwise, you can ruck your local nature trail. Using certain apps can make the process much easier. These apps will track your progress and help you achieve … Read more

Does Rucking Build Muscle? Which Muscles Are Worked?


Rucking is an effective exercise for building cardio, developing muscles, and losing weight. It also provides mental benefits by boosting the participant’s mood. While you could lift weights in the gym, it is more exciting to get outside and enjoy yourself amongst Mother Nature. Rucking is great for people who enjoy being outside in the … Read more

Can Rucking Improve Posture?

rucking posture

Having the wrong posture can take a toll on your body. Plus, you’re not going to look your best when your shoulders are slumped forward. Unfortunately, this bad habit can be very difficult to break. You’ll need to work hard to become accustomed to maintaining the proper posture. Surprisingly, rucking may be a good way … Read more

Can Rucking Help With Running?


While rucking has been around for a long time, it is quickly becoming a hot trend. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the perks of rucking, you’ll realize why so many people are taking advantage of this fitness craze. It is very helpful for improving your overall health, strengthening your legs, and protecting your joints. There … Read more

Rucking vs Weighted Vest – Comparing The Two


Going for a walk can be fun since you’ll encounter interesting people and scenes. However, the fitness perks of walking may not be satisfying for many people. Some may be looking for something more so they can build muscles, lose weight, and look better than ever. Individuals who fit into the latter group should consider … Read more

Can Rucking Hurt Your Back?

rucking back pain

Rucking is commonly associated with the military, although it is suitable for fitness enthusiasts as well. While the activity is generally safe, a handful of things can go wrong. Once you’ve decided to ruck your local trail, you need to make sure to take steps to minimize the risks. Choosing the right weight and a … Read more

How Long Should You Ruck?

rucking together

Rucking is a new form of workout, originating from military exercises. It combines two exercises – walking and a weighted vest or hiking and a weighted rucksack. This diverse workout has a broad range of health and fitness benefits for professional and amateur athletes, as well as other individuals. Rucking For The Beginner You recently … Read more